Friday 8 June 2018

"The Jewish Mourners for Hamas in Britain and the USA have caused widespread shock, revulsion, and distress in the Jewish World. But the problem they illustrate goes a lot wider and deeper than this" By The Impressive And Very Readable Melanie Phillips!!

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The Jewish mourners for Hamas in Britain and the USA have caused widespread shock, revulsion, and distress in the Jewish world. 
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Hamas attack on Gaza border fence
But the problem they illustrate goes wider and deeper than just a few individuals going rogue. Read me here on how the response to the Gaza border riots suggests a danger for the Jewish people even more fundamental than the declared attempt to invade Israel and slaughter Jews.
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Isaiah seal impression
Those trying to defend Israel in the court of public opinion need a strategic rethink. By the time it gets to a crisis, like the Hamas onslaught on the Gaza border fence, it's too late because Israel is then forced into a defensive,
and thus unwinnable, position. So please click here for my ten-point guide to reframe the Middle East narrative.

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