Saturday 9 March 2019

IAF Chief Warns Future Conflict Will Bring Widespread Missile Fire On Israel


Iran has hundreds of ballistic missiles in its arsenal, while its proxy, Hezbollah, has an estimated 130,000 projectiles, including long-range rockets and missiles that can strike any point in Israel.
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Omar has not been content to stick to critiques of Israel's government or even to efforts to promote boycotts of the only Jewish state on the planet. Instead, she has broadened her attacks to include supporters of Israel--both Jewish and non-Jewish, including fellow members of Congress.
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The Green New Deal, no matter how well-intentioned, is a rehash of an old plan to use threats to the environment (real or imagined) as a way to get people to rally behind a New World Order.
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Israel has added a new ethical dilemma by fully subsidizing IVF "procedures using genetic material from deceased spouses." That is, retrieving sperm from a deceased husband, and using IVF to create and implant an embryo.
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