Saturday, 9 March 2019

BELGIUM HATE PARADE: Antisemitic Caricatures of Orthodox Jews & Money Bags Paraded at UNESCO Supported Event

BELGIUM HATE PARADE: Antisemitic Caricatures of Orthodox Jews & Money Bags Paraded at UNESCO Supported Event


Spectators visiting the famous Aalst carnival in Belgium were shocked to find horrific anti-Semitic caricatures of Orthodox Jews paraded through the town.
Floats with “Hasidic” men with their “long noses” on them passed by thousands of people with no one raising their voices in protest. The “Jews” were sitting on money bags, and had a rat next to them.
The Aalst carnival was included in UNESCO’s list of intangible world heritage in 2010. It’s origin dates back to the Middle Ages. The festival is supported by UNESCO. The Facebook page of the far right group “DeVismooiln” who are behind the parade has been removed.
The parade is paid for by the Aslst community.
In another part of the parade, a procession resembling the Ku Klux Klan were seen celebrating with town officials, in the presence of Flemish nationalist politician Senator Guy D’haeseleer.
Not to be left out, there were also “blackface” parts of the parade as well.
The press release put out by the head of the main Jewish organization of Belgian Jewry (CCOJB) reads (translated):
The Coordinating Committee of Jewish Organizations of Belgium (CCOJB) and the Forum der Joodse Organisaties (FJO) join forces to express their anger and misunderstanding at the puppets of Jews with hooked noses and the chests full of money that marched during Carnival of Aalst. At best, it is a disgraceful lack of discernment, especially given the rising context of anti-Semitism in our country and the world, at worst the reproduction of antisemitic caricatures worthy of the Nazi era. We have reported these elements to Unia and are going to contact the organizers and the competent authorities to accompany our denunciation of concrete acts for the coming years.

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