Sunday 1 September 2024



Over the past few days, I have seen three warning signs of trouble ahead. You will have seen none of them in the mainstream media. You won't even have seen them in any of the 'alternative' media. In fact, you wouldn't have ANY chance of seeing them, unless you were watching key information sources in two of the three areas we will talk about.

But, if the right people start making the right decisions, right now... we can avoid short term disaster. We might even avoid longer term disaster. Unfortunately, I don't see any 'right decisions' being made.

Three Warnings

Depending on who is chosen to lead the countries of the developed world, the problems that we'll talk about here will either become immediately serious, or something that we will have time to deal with. And, I'm afraid that we've already seen amazingly incompetent leadership in Germany, Australia, America, Canada, the UK... well, actually every country in the world seems to be losing its mind.

FULL ARTICLE AT: Three Warnings

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