Tuesday 18 June 2024


 Russian President Vladimir Putin is on his way to the North Korean capital Pyongyang where he will meet leader Kim Jong Un.

  1. The two leaders last met in September in Vladivostok but this is Putin’s first visit to Pyongyang since 2000
  2. The US and Seoul have accused North Korea of supplying Russia with artillery and other equipment, likely in exchange for food and military aid
  3. Both countries deny the existence of an arms deal but vowed last year to strengthen military ties
  4. Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Putin has become a pariah to the West and has been seeking allies elsewhere
  5. After North Korea, Putin will visit Vietnam, a long-time ally - both countries are expected to discuss issues such as trade

  6. Three reasons Putin and Kim might want to be friends

    Last September, Kim took a train to Russia to meet Putin.

    At the time, BBC's Russia Editor, Steve Rosenberg and Seoul correspondent Jean Mackenzie looked at why the two countries would want to be friends.

    North Korea and Russia are fast friends, not firm friends.

    This is a relationship borne of convenience. They each have something the other wants.

    Russia badly needs ammunition; specifically high caliber artillery shells and North Korea needs money. 

    Kim Jong Un has not prioritised this relationship in the past. In the years before the Covid pandemic when Mr Kim was keen to hold summits he met Mr Putin only once. And yet he held three summits with President Xi, three with the South Korean President Moon Jae-in and he had three meetings with the then United States President, Donald Trump.

    North Korea may be able to supply weapons to Russia now – but how long and how quickly can they sustain supplies under strict sanctions?

    Of course, both are also allies in the battle against the “imperialist West” and they will want to send signals to the United States and Europe about further co-operation.

    But in truth, there has been little trust between the two countries in the past and any talk of a “bromance” may be premature.

    For now, these two leaders are exploring the boundaries of their new transactional friendship.

  7. THIS AND MORE UPDATES AT: Vladimir Putin heads to North Korea with war and weapons on the agenda - BBC News

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