Thursday, 6 July 2023

Protester plans to burn a Bible and Torah outside Israeli embassy

 Protester plans to burn a Bible and Torah outside Israeli embassy and another wants to set MORE Korans on fire outside a mosque as Sweden's freedom of speech row risks causing more religious fury

  • An Iraqi man burned a Koran in Stockholm on July 28 sparking widespread anger
  • Now, three more applications have been made to Swedish police to burn religious texts, including another copy of the Koran, the Torah and the Bible ree new applications to burn religious books have been handed to police in Sweden as the on-going row over the country's freedom of speech laws risks causing more fury among religious groups.
  • The applications come after the burning of a Koran late last month sparked massive outrage across the Muslim world, and even prompted a UN meeting.

    One of the three new applications would involve the burning of the Islamic holy text outside a mosque in Stockholm, as was the case with the burning on June 28.


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