Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg is being criticized roundly for his plan to expand the use of surveillance “safety” cameras on roads nationwide, as drivers have complained that the camera systems are inaccurate and prone to abuse by political cronies.
Can you imagine a nationwide network of 'red light' surveillance, I mean, safety cameras on every corner, all connected into the Big Brother database? Joe Biden's Secretary of Transportation sure can, and Pete Buttigieg unveiled his plan to bring '1984' to life in stunning fashion. But hey, think how convenient it will be to have your digital ID Immunity Passport connected to the microchip in your vehicle able to talk with the surveillance cameras that will allow you access when you want to venture out to purchase food, water and medical supplies? Or better yet, when the Metaverse is rolled out you won't actually have to leave to go anywhere.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16,17 (KJB)
You're never going back to your "old life" that doesn't exist, and what they are replacing it with will be the Mark of the Beast System you read about in your King James Bibles. Here on Day 686 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, it should be obvious to you by now that the Internet of Bodies they are enmeshing you in is exactly what we've been warning you about for the past 13 years. Now go out and find a nice frame for that beautiful photo of Klaus Schwab and Anthony Fauci they gave you when you got chipped. Oh, wait, sorry....forget I said anything, didn't mean to get ahead of you. Carry on.
Pete Buttigieg Slammed for Racist ‘Safety’ Cameras Notorious for Corruption, Inaccuracy
FROM BREITBART NEWS: Pete Buttigieg introduced the plan last Thursday, describing the problem of road safety as one of fairness, noting that “people of color, Native Americans, low income communities, [and] people in rural areas, [are] more likely to die on our roads.”
What he did not mention was that poor people, and people of color, are impacted more by traffic tickets, with black drivers and other minorities far more likely to be ticketed — and, in many cases, less able to afford the resulting fines for violations. The plan Buttigieg introduced calls for the federal government to “promote speed safety cameras as a proven safety countermeasure,” and for the rollout of additional speed cameras to be completed by 2024.
However, “skeptics say it will only end up leading to more fines for motorists – and money for the government – while doing nothing to address the country’s real transport problems,” reported Jennifer Smith of the Daily Mail, via MSN.
In Chicago, which has more red-light cameras than any other city in America, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s rollout was marred by political corruption and claims that the cameras were not only inaccurate, but also disproportionately targeted black and Latino drivers in the city.
“A ProPublica analysis of millions of citations found that households in majority Black and Hispanic ZIP codes received tickets at around twice the rate of those in white areas between 2015 and 2019,” ProPublic reported earlier this month.
Ironically, it was Buttigieg who vowed to target what he described as “racist” roads and highways after he took office last year.
Road safety camera systems have also been associated with political corruption in recent years. The company supplying Chicago’s cameras, Redflex, reached a non-prosecution agreement with the Department of Justice and a $20 million civil settlement with the City of Chicago after related bribery scandals and convictions in the city and in Columbus, Ohio.
Many drivers continue complain about being wrongly ticketed by the camera systems for a variety of reasons, including the misidentification of cars and drivers. And residents of the District of Columbia were outraged when officials continued its speed camera ticketing during the pandemic, demanding payment of fines when many families could not afford the expense. READ MORE
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