Saturday, 11 September 2021

The End Times Forecaster With "The End Times - When"?


Updated Chapter 12; The Coming Epiphany Chapter 12 When? 

That is the question everyone wants the answer to; when will it be the end of the world? Are you ready for the answer? I do not know. But is there anything that we can look for that will enable us to come up with possible end times chronological scenarios? Yes, as you will see below, I believe there is.

2014/2015 Lunar and Solar Eclipses

In 2014 and 2015 there were 4 blood moon total lunar eclipses that all fell on feast days, which is called a tetrad.


1.           Passover, April 15, 2014

2.           Tabernacles October 8, 2014

3.           Passover, April 4, 2015

4.           Tabernacles, September 28, 2015


What is significant about this is that a tetrad of lunar eclipses on feast days has only occurred two times in the last 500 years; 1949/50, and 1967/68. During each of those tetrads of total eclipses Israel was at war.


Though Israel was declared an independent state sixty years ago in 1948, the war with its neighbors began after its first day and lasted for a year. Therefore, the first lunar eclipse of 1949 occurred during this war for the establishment of Israel. The next tetrad began on Passover 1967, which was just six weeks before the Six-Day-War. Therefore, these two significant wars of Israel were covered by each tetrad period.[1]


These facts lead us to wonder if the 2014/15 tetrad was a sign from God to the world that significant end times events are imminent. In fact the 2014/15 tetrad was the center point of a series of 18 perfectly symmetric eclipses, which has never occurred in the history of the world. The last of the 18 eclipses occurred on 1/21/2019 and many believe major end times events will follow the last eclipse of the series.

The tetrads are certainly something to ponder, and in my opinion gives us a definite indication that the end times are nearing. As Jesus said; and there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Luke 21:25

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