Wednesday 11 August 2021

America's Debt Bubble Is About To Hit 15 Trillion - How Long Before It Pops?


America's Debt Bubble Is About To Hit 15 Trillion - How Long Before It Pops?
U.S. consumers are now $14,960,000,000,000 in debt. We will shortly hit the 15 trillion dollar mark, and I think that we should commemorate the crossing of that threshold with some sort of celebration. Of course any celebration should involve going into even more debt, because there are few things that Americans enjoy more than getting even deeper into debt.
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Are Evangelicals Repeating The Same Mistakes Of Mainline Liberal Churches?
Dotting many U.S. main streets are the steeples and towers of beautiful and historic buildings, originally built as houses of worship. Today, many of these buildings, especially those draped with rainbow flags, lie empty.
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Turkey Drifts From The West Into The Arms Of The Magog Coalition
The feeling of drifting apart between the Turks and Westerners is mutual and growing. It is an inevitable result of Turkey's top-to-bottom Islamization over the past two decades. The West now has a small Russia to deal with.
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A Ticking Time Bomb: Europe Continues Releasing Jihadis Despite Warnings
While experts agree that the Covid pandemic has inhibited terrorist activity -- in part due to fear of infection, and in part because of fewer crowded, highly-populated events at which to stage them -- they also point to a rise in online activity and propaganda.
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