Saturday 13 April 2019

Are Jews Who Believe In Jesus Still Jews?

Are Jews Who Believe In Jesus Still Jews?
If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times, from both Jews and Christians: "If you believe in Jesus, you're no longer Jewish. You were Jewish. You're not Jewish anymore."
Democrats War On Netanyahu
Prominent Democrats have greeted the victory of the man who was the bitter foe of President Barack Obama and, just as bad, the close friend and ally of President Donald Trump with a mixture of dismay and horror.
The Boy Crisis: American Boys Are Falling Behind In Just About Every Area
As a society we appear to be really dropping the ball, because the numbers indicate that American boys are deeply struggling in just about every area. Mental health, education and even physical health are showing dramatic declines over the past few decades.
Busted: Thousands Of Amazon Employees Listening To Alexa Conversations
Amazon employs thousands of people to listen in on what people around the world are saying to their Alexa digital assistant according to what is sure to be a Congressional hearing-inspiring report by Bloomberg.

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