Friday 1 March 2019

What Will Happen The Day After A Palestinian State Is Established?

What Will Happen The Day After A Palestinian State Is Established?
This is what members of the US administration needs to ask themselves: What will happen the day after a Palestinian state is established? According to Hamas and Islamic Jihad the answer is quite clear.

Navratilova, Identity Politics & Intersectionality: Ideology Over Reality
Tennis great Martina Navratilova recently wrote that allowing male athletes who identify as transgender to compete against biological women is "insane." Now she is paying the price.

Party Of Death: Democratic Presidential Candidates Vote For Infanticide
There is no spin that can be put on this. No justification. No explanation that softens the blow. On February 25, 44 Democrat senators, including all 6 declared presidential candidates, voted against the Born Alive Protection Act. Put another way, they voted for infanticide.

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