Wednesday 6 March 2019

The Lull In Terrorism Masks A Deepening Jihadist Threat

The Lull In Terrorism Masks A Deepening Jihadist Threat
Europeans who fought with ISIS and who now are trying to come home, bring their ideology and training with them setting the stage for 'the calm before the storm'.

The Real Reason Why Globalists Are So Obsessed With Artificial Intelligence
The globalists have long held AI as a kind of holy grail in centralization technology. That includes the ability to streamline mass surveillance and automate it.

wall st
Investors Brace For Impact: Will Wall Street Catch Up With Economic Reality?
Economic cancer is rapidly spreading throughout our country, and the U.S. economy is deteriorating at the fastest pace that we have seen since the last recession. So how long will it be before Wall Street catches up with economic reality?

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