Tuesday 12 March 2019


                                        Most of British and European politicians will continue to hammer and tongs with each other, keeping their status quo, feathering their own nests, while sowing seeds of confusion whenever using the public domain to get attention. What has been hidden, the Lord God Almighty is revealing as their hidden agendas and ploys to deceive, comes to light. This has been particular within the Labour and Conservative parties where division has occurred without mercy and showing no signs of reconciliation.
The Labour Party has shown what lies between the sheets, unwashed and dirty in appearance. Even washed at 30 degrees fahrenheit, each wash gets grubbier when trying to hide the stains. The party was infiltrated in the late 1960s with people from the the hard left, such as the International Socialists ( Trotskyist ) who were eventually told to leave.This was one group as depicted here on https://livesrunning.wordpr...
                        Militant Tendency tried to take control in the 1980s, succeeded in Liverpool by taking control of the council while making a hash of its finances, and the leader of the Labour Party then, together the the executive, expelled the hard left group from the party. Suggest that those discerning read this account of the rise and fall of this Trotskyist political group on https://www.marxist.com/mil... It is noticeable that the Labour Party Young Socialists (LPYS) was the youth section of the Labour Party in Britain from 1965 until 1993. In the 1980s, it had around 600 branches, 2,000 delegates at its national conferences and published a monthly newspaper, Socialist Youth. From the early 1970s, it was led by members of Militant. From 1993 at the Labour Party conference party delegates supported a motion to set up Young Labour.
Today it is seen that the Labour Party has invited Trotskyists, Marxists, and Communists to become members and operate from within under the banner of Momentum but this time endorsed by the Labour leader and the shadow cabinet, plus the executive. Notice its objectives onhttps://peoplesmomentum.com/ wIth having the Labour leader on board, and now from within the party, the changing strategy is that it is treated as "a bit of fresh air."                                 The question that is on the lips of many people observing the antics of the Labour Party is have they revealed the true nature of the party and what lies hidden and yet denied. The rise of anti semitism is appearing in countries throughout Europe and this has surfaced from within Labour. And yet despite the evidence, it has been denied. See what Jewish members of the party have said about this on https://www.theguardian.com... Also perhaps the following should be taken into account written by a observant columnist who happens to be a Jew onhttps://www.nytimes.com/201...
Now the major problem for the United kingdom is leaving the European Union whether it be soon, later, or never.                      Having looked the the tactics of the the European Union hierarchy and the antics of parliamentary politicians, the outcome does not look good. And yet, the institutionalized church prefers to keep quiet on the matter and putting heads into the sand hoping that it will go away. Christian leaders, whatever denominational they represent, wish not to get involved but it is a fact that Christians are divided on whether to leave the EU or stay within its structure. However, this is leading onto many complications which are emerging due to the fact that democracy is under threat while at the same time the general public are losing confidence in those in authority who suppose to be representing them but are failing to do so because of personal interests and having positions outside of Parliament.
                                                                                                                                                                                                One thing for sure and which has come to light is that if politicians are found to be betraying Brexit there will be coming retribution by members of the British public. Have a look as to what is being said about the situation on https://www.express.co.uk/n... It would make scary situation if this happened as described here on https://www.express.co.uk/n...
                                            What will happen on the high seas over fishing rights to the North Sea and in and around the British Isles? Look at this report made on https://www.express.co.uk/n...
But there are a number of politicians whose aim is to have a second referendum without honouring the first as described here on https://www.express.co.uk/n...

Project fear keeps emerging with threats being made by the paramilitary groups as revealed here on https://www.dailymail.co.uk...

It has become noticeable that members of the monarchy are sowing seeds of confusion in their lifestyles and involvement in promoting New Age ideas in public. This couple are said to be planning to raise their baby with a “fluid approach to gender” as indicated here onhttps://www.lifesitenews.co... while entertaining New Age material composed in speeches that are given as said here on https://www.dailymail.co.uk... And at the same time frustrated with the older generation that does not seem to care about the younger generation of the 21st century. This approach is considered a "bit of fresh air" a now common phrase being used replacing the phrase "out with the old and in with the New."
What has been missing from the Christian media of the USA has been the lack of reports on Brexit whether it be the European Union and how the United Kingdom is being treated and abused. Believers in the UK are hoping that this is not due to them being naive and saying that "it does not concern them, their readers and supporters."

For when Noah and Lot warned their respective people of God's coming judgment and destruction, the people would not listen. Instead they treated Noah and Lot as "extremists". Then the destruction that did come found the people unprepared.
The Biblical signs are clear for all to see what is happening in the 21st century and one has only to look and the events and crisis after crisis taking place today.Sure, many people throughout history have been proclaiming that they were living in the last days and the end of the world was nigh, and some of the Bible signs have always existed from the early days. But never has there been a time before when all these events were evident in so many diverse places and with such frequency and intensity.
The important point in reading Matthew 24, the Lord Jesus Christ speaks of wars, earthquakes and such things, but says these are just the "beginning of sorrows" and "the end is not yet". Now that word "sorrows" in the original language meant "birth pangs", the pain in childbirth. Now birth pangs speak of frequency and intensity. And as a woman gets nearer the birth, the "pangs" become more frequent and intense. This is true also for the signs of the Last Days!
When it is written in Luke 21 verses 25 to 26 ..."and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken" is this not being fulfilled in our day more than any other day before us? Most definately! Just look at all the natural disasters that are taking pla every year. Are the "seas and waves roaring"? Yes for tens and even hundreds of thousands of people are being wiped out from tsunamis and floods, and men's hearts are certainly fearing what is happening to this world.
In reading Matthew 24 verse 7 ..."and earthquakes in divers places" scoffers both inside and outside of the Institutionalized church love to bash this one, but from the evidence available, it is clear that earthquakes are not only increasing in frequency, but also appearing in more and more "diverse places", which the Bible predicted.Almighty God is giving us plenty of warning through these events, and we will be without excuse if that day of Christ's return comes upon us like a thief in the night and catches us unaware. We need to heed the signs and get ready.
It is written in Matthew 24 verses 4 to 5,11 ..."many shall come in My Name, saying, I am Christ ... and many false prophets shall arise and deceive many." We have certainly had our fair share of false Christ's appearing around the world. Also, today there are many false religions proclaiming many ways to eternal life, like Roman Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Folk Religions, Wicca, and many other New Age movements. With false prophets like the Pope, Muhammad, Krishna, Buddha, etc., leading these religions.
We also have many false prophets and leaders in the so called Christian Church, like the the prosperity gospel preachers and people like Oprah Winfrey leading these new age movements. And millions of people have been sucked in and deceived by these false prophets. There are also many who appear to be paid hirelings leading and fleecing the flock but in fact are "inwardly ravening wolves' leading the people to destruction. People like Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Morris Cerulo who preach just enough truth to lull the unlearned mind into following them into apostasy! Yes, this end time sign has certainly being fulfilled.
The world is trying to push for peace but the reality is war accompanied by Idolatry, Adultery, Violence, Lust, Greed, Disrespect, Homosexuality, Theft, Lying, Aggression, Selfishness. Are these Biblical signs being fulfilled in our day? Absolutely! Just go back 50 years and you would not see half the sin and wickedness that we see in people today. Look at what is portrayed on our TV screens and in the movies and video games! Violence, lust and all manners of evil. This is one of the major end of time signs. Our world today is aching under the burden of sin and I'm sure God will not allow it to continue for much longer.
We are living in a time like no other. No doubt about what is happening the Judgement of Almighty God is upon Nations and the Church. REPENTANCE and SALVATION have become two offensive words by their biblical meaning, and by political correctness standards, could be considered as racist and hatred.
The world is most certainly being turned upside down and we need to get ready!


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