Friday 8 March 2019

Palestinians: Marching Backwards As Israel Prepares For Elections


On April 9, Israelis will again celebrate democracy by voting in a free and democratic election. The Palestinians, meanwhile, will mark another year of dictatorship and failed leadership, and will continue to dream about heading to any ballot box at all.
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For the third year in a row, the US News & World Report annual international survey has found Israel to be the eighth most powerful country on the planet.
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Not only has the court denied the father his right to stop his child from receiving a controversial medical treatment, it has declared that it would be considered abuse if the father tries to discuss the matter with his child with anything less than an affirming attitude.
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Why ban a book critiquing Islam when a host of other books harshly attacking other religious faiths are available on Amazon? Why ban this book and not other books that critique Islam? Why draw the line here and who is next?
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