Sunday 3 March 2019

Israel Unleashes A Blistering Response To Relentless Incendiary Balloon Attacks On The Gaza Strip Saturday Night Wounding 5 People

New post on Now The End Begins

Israel Unleashes A Blistering Response To Relentless Incendiary Balloon Attacks On The Gaza Strip Saturday Night Wounding 5 People

by Geoffrey Grider


IDF aircraft struck multiple Hamas positions in the southern Gaza Strip in response to the launching of explosive balloons towards Israel Saturday night.

The explosive balloons that have been launched by Hamas over the Gaza Strip border at Israel has destroyed nearly 10,000 acres of farmland to date. The Palestinians have kept these weekend riots going for nearly a full year now.
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee." Psalm 122:6 (KJV)
Naturally, the United Nations condemns Israel for defending themselves, and applauds Hamas for carrying on outrageous and seemingly endless terrorist attacks against the sovereign nation of Israel. And it will only get worse.


FROM THE JERUSALEM POST: Thousands of Gazans have been violently demonstrating along the security fence with Israel demanding an end to the 12-year long blockade every week for the past 11 months.
Three Palestinians, including a medic and a journalist were injured on Friday during the protests.
According to the IDF some 8,000 Palestinians gathered at several points along the fence, burning tires, hurling stones, explosives devices and grenades at troops stationed along the fence. Demonstrators also burnt tires and launched incendiary balloons towards several locations.

IDF troops responded with riot-control means.

Palestinians in the Hamas-run coastal enclave have been launching explosive balloons and other explosive aerial devices as part of The Great Return March protests which began on March 30th, leading to 2,000 separate fires resulting in over 35,000 dunams (approximately 8,500 acres) being burnt.
According to the IDF, this has included over 13,000 dunams (approximately 3,200 acres) of nature reserves, and over 11,000 dunams (approximately 2,700 acres) of forestry.
While orchestrating the riots on Israel's border, Hamas was also responsible for firing over 1,300 rockets and mortars from Gaza into Israel during 2018. The number of times that this was mentioned in the @UN_HRC report? Zero.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) February 28, 2019
On Wednesday a civilian home was damaged after an explosive device tied to several balloons detonated in the air outside of it in the Eshkol regional council. The explosion shattered one window and damaged the shutters on another, authorities said.
The IDF also accused Hamas of “allocating explosive materials and other military means” and distributed them to protesters to sabotage security infrastructure. Gazans have also been cutting through the fence, infiltrating into southern Israel. READ MORE

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