Saturday 2 March 2019

Is Jared Kushner Right? Can Middle East Peace Be Bought?

Is Jared Kushner Right? Can Middle East Peace Be Bought?
The senior adviser to president Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, is on fundraising tour this week, but it's not to raise money for his father-in-law's reelection bid. He's visiting the Middle East, with a special emphasis on wealthy Arab states, where he is soliciting investments that he hopes will be the seed money for a new era of peace.
Will America Learn From The Collapse Of The Roman Empire?
Every great civilization throughout human history has eventually collapsed, and if we want to have any hope of escaping the same fate, we need to be willing to learn some lessons from the past. Many of the same factors that caused the collapse of previous civilizations are weighing very heavily on the United States of America today.
The Palestinian Fan Club
Many of the Palestinians' supporters are unwilling to acknowledge that radical Islamists will never accept a Jewish state on "Muslim land."

Divided Methodists: Will Sexual Colonialism Split The UMC?
Many mainline denominations stateside have exerted tremendous pressure on churches overseas to give up the 2,000-year-old understanding of the Bible and morality for the new sexual heresy. In doing so, they've been guilty co-conspirators with progressive governmental activists of a kind of ideological colonialism.

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