Monday 4 March 2019

‘God Has Been so Faithful’: London Street Preacher Gives Powerful Update After Shocking Arrest

‘God Has Been so Faithful’: London Street Preacher Gives Powerful Update After Shocking Arrest

Oluwole Ilesanmi, the Nigerian man who was arrested in London for simply preaching the Gospel, has spoken out following his release. “Olu” was simply quoting Scripture and preaching the good news of Jesus to anyone who would listen when, on Feb. 23, he was accosted by two police officers and arrested for “breaching the peace.”
The Metropolitan police told Faithwire that, after it became clear that Olu had done nothing wrong, he was subsequently “de-arrested” and no charges were filed. Wednesday, it was announced that an investigation had been launched into the shocking incident.
“I was the one arrested,” Olu said in a video produced by UK anti-persecution watchdog, Christian Concern.

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