Sunday 5 November 2017

"Embracing History, Scripture Key to Judeo-Christian Unity" And Much More From "Breaking Israel News"!!


From Mueller to Mandelblit

By Caroline Glick
There are stunning parallels between US Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of alleged collusion between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia and the ongoing criminal probes against Netanyahu and his wife Sara.

Embracing History, Scripture Key to
Judeo-Christian Unity

By Tuly Weisz
The history behind the Balfour Declaration is both surprising and fascinating.

The Global Failure of Globalization

By Daniel Greenfield
It’s no coincidence that transnational Islamic terror organizations like Al Qaeda or ISIS took off with globalization.

Strengthening the Ground

By Jim Fletcher
A bold—and correct— move by the Jerusalem Municipality this week approves 176 new housing units for a Jewish community in east Jerusalem.

An Anti-Semitic Caricature of Me Wins No Criticism From Berkeley Hard Left

By Alan Dershowitz
The cartoon resembles the grotesque anti-Semitic blood libel propaganda splashed across Der Sturmer in the 1930s, which depicted Jews drinking the blood of gentile children.

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