Monday 30 May 2016


THE EU REFERENDUM – a Christian perspective By David Evans.
INTRODUCTION Many of us are wondering which way to vote in the forthcoming referendum on 23 June.  Should we remain in the European Union (EU) or leave it in the so-called Brexit?  The subject merits our attention.  This article is an attempt at examining the issues from a Christian world view.  THE FACTS? We are asked to consider matters that involve major corner-stones of our nation state.  These include choice in the allocation of finances; foreign investment, trade deals, employment and the control of legislative processes (EU law vs. UK law) as well as immigration control and the defence of our country. The discussion that is on-going comprises claim and counter-claim for which supporting facts often appear scant.  Depending on who is telling the story, we get a particular ‘spin’ on the various issues.   It reminds me of an old adage from Mark Twain: ‘There are lies, damned lies and statistics.’  If we are not able to get at the true facts our decision will be based on which protagonist’s delivery we dislike the least.  THE CHRISTIAN VIEW? Our task is to find a Christian standpoint amidst this cacophony. 

I have just read the Evangelical Alliance’s position (or lack of position) statement.  They say the following: ‘…the Alliance takes no position on whether the UK should leave or remain.  Our position is only that Christians should engage fully in the debate and vote in the referendum – because the voice of evangelicals matters.’   They follow this objective with a series of pointers for us to consider but in reality we are left with little that is not available to the informed voter and subject to the limitations I have described above. The question remains: is there something that the Christian should be considering that would inform our conscience?  My examination focuses on the formation of the EU and its governance and values leading to an examination of some of the issues that are being debated from a Christian perspective.
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