Tuesday 30 October 2012


As Hurricane Sandy wreaks havoc along the eastern seaboard of the USA, many Christians are asking if this is judgment from the Almighty, and a warning from the Lord to the Americans to turn from their sinful ways?

The mighty New York City has been brought to its knees by a storm nicknamed "Frankenstorm", as it coincides with the occultic practice of haloween! The city of sin which boasts that it never closes with its halls and shows of debauchery, has seen at least sixteen people killed to date, many more injured or taken ill, homes wrecked, streets flooded, the Wall Street Stock Exchange closed for at least two days, the subway and all transport systems closed, buildings savaged, the "bright lights" of Broadway darkened, and much, much more!

One resident told the media that New York thought it was so great, it was beyond such humiliation, because it has turned its back on God and did not need Him anymore! The Islamic enemies of "their great Satan" must be drooling with delight and planning their next steps to bring further calamity upon this nation as they seek to emulate 9/11 and other atrocities!

Even the mighty powers of the USA election campaiging has been severely hit, and who can wonder when all the most powerful country on earth has to offer is a choice between a lying muslim who has led them to economic distress, and a deceived multi-millionaire Mormon who is out of touch with reality!

As America turns its back on Israel more and more, and treats its Prime Minister Netanyahu with contempt, what can one expect? Gay marriage and sodomy is now accepted "as normal" by both political parties, Christians are persecuted under the guise "of hatred and free speech", the Muslim Islamic faith is highlighted and encouraged more and more, prayers and Bible readings are being removed from schools and all forms of education, and gradually this once mighty nation has deteriorated so much, because the Lord has taken His hand of protection from it (as He has done in the UK), and more and more judgments will continue to come from Him as His patience wears out with this once friend of Israel and Yeshua.

Even So, Lord Jesus, Come Quickly.

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