It’s 2013, and here in the Holy Land there is a sense that something very different is taking place as God’s end-time plan is unfolding before our very eyes.
Orthodox Jews and their rabbis, also echo that we are living in the last days. Even the secular Israeli press is publishing articles that Believers interpret as technological advancements leading up to the arrival of the anti-Messiah (anti-Christ).
The Israeli Hebrew daily newspaper, Ma’ariv, recently published a story on how the Israeli government has passed laws creating “Big Brother” to monitor its citizens here in the Holy Land. The Ma’ariv article was entitled: “Big Brother’s Watchful Eye.”
The feature story focused on bio-metric microchips that are implanted in the body, voice analysis, and super government databases that will contain information on all six million Israeli Jewish citizens – including very private details ranging from a person’s medical files to their physical whereabouts.
Another Israeli man who was applying for a high level security job was sent on a polygraph test. He thought he would be asked many questions, however he was asked only to confirm a few details. “I was stunned when I found out that my potential employer already knew everything about me, and I mean everything,” he said.
The Israeli government wants to be the world pioneer in the surveillance of citizens.
Five years ago, “The Law of Media Data” passed its third reading in the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) which merited the title of “The Big Brother Law.” This law enables the Israeli police, to establish the most extensive informational database on its citizens of any democratic nation in the world.
The police have also attempted to undertake legislation which would enable them to execute secret searches of Israeli homes without the presence of the homeowner. George Orwell's vision of Big Brother is definitely coming alive in the Holy Land.
Today there are approximately 20,000 recorded databases in Israel. Computers, cellular phones, and security cameras, track Israeli citizens at any given moment.
Israeli lawyers lobbying for citizen’s privacy rights are not making much progress against Big Brother because the Israeli public welcomes this technology. The public sees the benefit of these applications which help their communities in many areas, from aiding the police to track criminals to helping their hospitals track patient care.
Aliza, who is one of our Bibles For Israel ministry staff, said: “Starting 16 years ago, the municipal government of Netanya, (Israel) would only process license tags for my dogs if they were implanted with an identification microchip.”
Two of our Bibles For Israel ministry staff from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem know someone who works for one of the Israel highway authorities. He looked on his computer and told them exactly what time their car was traveling down specific points on Highway #6 and where the car exited. The highway authority tracks each car with super high speed cameras every few kilometers. They know who owns the car and the complete history of the car by interfacing with other Israeli databases.
Eight years ago, the world was shocked when ABC News reported on microchips being implanted into the right arm of thousands of people in America! Could this have anything to do with Chapter 13 in the Book of Revelation which speaks about the mark of the beast-666 (that no person would be able to buy or sell unless they took the mark).
These microchips which are the size of a grain of rice are being implanted into the right arm of people throughout the world and the microchip is approved by the U.S. FDA (U.S Food and Drug Administration).
In many South American countries including Mexico and Brazil, the microchips are implanted into the right arm of the police so that the government can properly identify their policemen and allow them into secure areas.
Israel has 4000 years of Biblical history going back to the time of Abraham. However, it is a very modern country with technology being its number one export
Did you know that Jerusalem was one of the first cities in the world to have wireless technology?
Jerusalem is where Messiah Yeshua will return (to the Mount of Olives). And leading up to His return is what we are seeing now: a plan to track all citizens in Jerusalem, and throughout the Holy Land.
Some Believers interpret Revelation 13 as speaking about an anti-Christ, in which technology such as the RFID is used in the end times to determine who can buy and sell.
The RFID microchip will soon be mandatory/law for all Israelis to carry with them, as it will be implanted into their Toudat Zahout (Israeli National ID card) as well as Israeli Passports. The RFID chip is already implanted into some U.S. passports.
It is law that an Israeli must carry their National ID card with them at all times. And, because these ID cards can be lost or stolen, it is plausible that a new law in the future requires the RFID chip to be implanted in the right arm.
Speaking with Israelis, they welcome an implanted chip because it can save lives. Combined with a GPS chip, it could track Alzheimer’s patients, disabled children who go missing, diabetics or heart patients. In the case of an emergency while traveling, doctors can simply scan their medical information from the implanted RFID microchip.
So again, is it any surprise that Israel wants to be the world leader in tracking information on its citizens?
You may also want to take a look at the industry leading RFID website ( that reports on all the companies and applications using RFID technology. It also lists companies using GPS and RFID together. Cisco is one of the leading companies using their wireless routing technology in collaboration with RFID technology.
According to the Messianic Prophecy of Daniel 9:27, the anti-Christ will make a covenant with Israel for seven years, which will be broken after three and a half years!
During this time, the Third Temple will be standing in Jerusalem.
Today, everything is ready for the rebuilding of the Third Temple. All of the temple artifacts, garments, and the funds to rebuild the Temple are available. Even the Jewish Coheniim (Priests) who have been approved as Cohens based on DNA testing are currently being trained in Jerusalem and are ready for service.
All of these events are unfolding to set the stage for the anti-Christ identified in Daniel 9:27. The verse reads: “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.”
We are living in a special time in history!
It has been 64 years since Israel became a nation again in 1948, fulfilling Biblical prophecy.
Isaiah 66:8 – Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day, or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.
And in the last few decades, Israel has become a world leader in technology. Out of the ashes of the Holocaust there are now more than six million Jewish people living in the Holy Land. As described in Matthew 24, we are seeing the warning signs of the End Times.
Today, gay marriages are legalized in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. We have seen economic turmoil, catastrophic earthquakes, and wars continue worldwide.
It is not only Believers who understand the signs; Orthodox Jews and Rabbis will also tell you that we are definitely in the last days.
So Billy, we must be serious about our relationship with the Lord and tell others about Yeshua so that they also may be saved. Time is running out!
You may be thinking, “What does this have to do with the Messianic Prophecy Bible and our Bibles For Israel Ministry?”
EVERYTHING! Less than 1% of Jewish people believe in Yeshua (Jesus).
So we have a responsibility to tell them the truth about who the Messiah is, and you can help.
With your financial gifts we can get the Messianic Prophecy Bible into the hands of the Jewish people here in Israel and in your own country.
Your help will directly be tied into Zechariah’s Messianic prophecy as we reach the nation of Israel.
“And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.” (Zechariah 12:10)